View the Promised Land from where Moses viewed it, then cross into the Promised Land close to where Joshua crossed!!
Israel is the most coveted land in the world. Why? The Bible tells us the reasons. To visit Israel is to take a “Biblical Journey!” Think about it. Some legends say Creation occurred in Israel. Jerusalem is the city where God chose to put His name (1 Chronicles 6:6). The land flows with truth concerning Scripture truth and is called by many, the “Fifth Gospel.” From the histories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David and of Israel to the clear truths concerning the Messiah, our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is all a part of the journey. You will delve into the truths as you learn from some traditions and historical teachings from thousands of years, but most of all from the Holy Bible. You will walk where Jesus walked, learn of the homeland for the Christian faith, and return home, never to be the same again! It is in the Land of the Bible where both prophecy and present application of Scriptures become more clear. With us, our genuine desire is for you to take a Biblical Journey.
Jordan, an Arab nation on the east bank of the Jordan River, is defined by ancient monuments, nature reserves and seaside resorts. It’s home to the famed archaeological site of Petra, the Nabatean capital dating to around 300 B.C. Set in a narrow valley with tombs, temples and monuments carved into the surrounding pink sandstone cliffs, Petra earns its nickname, the “Rose City". Jordan also has Mount Nebo where Moses stood as he viewed the Promised Land, Bethany across the Jordan is where John the Baptist Baptized Our Lord, and many more fascinating sites.